There are many unreliable information and resources regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus…..
There are three stages of hair growth, namely anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. At any
We are what we eat. This means that the nutrition we get from food (or
Averagely, we shed about 50 – 100 strands of hair every single day. For every
How to tell if you are losing your hair? It is normal for everyone to
Life is demanding and tend to make us only giving our children the leftover time.
For many kids, drinking a glass of milk is one of the best ways to
Few theories on why they stand on one leg. Standing on one leg allows the
The human body is colonized by trillions of microorganisms or bacteria, which altogether are called
Are individuals in your workplace, school or community concerned about contracting it? How to protect…..
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A post shared by muallim tiger (@hafidztiger23)
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A post shared by Steve Kong (@stevekch)
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