A Healthy Recipe for The Picky Eaters
Jul 22, 2019
3 tips for you to grant a stress-free holiday trip with your kids:
Do any of these preschoolers remind you of your little ones?

Bella will only eat
fried chicken
Alex won’t eat anything
Apple used to be Charlie’s favorite,
but now he won’t eat it anymore
If yes, you are not alone! Many parents are struggling to cope with the mealtime battle against their kids. This is because, some children begin to develop food preferences as early as 2 years old – when they start to feed themselves. Sometimes, these picky eating behaviors are just their unique ways to express independence towards making food choices. Like a grown-up, they would like to be in charge. Thus, the best thing you can do is to share the responsibility in selecting and preparing meals with the picky eaters.
Tick √ the ones which applicable for you and your child:
During menu planning…
Read recipe book together and let your child choose a new recipe to try
During grocery shopping…
Let your child to pick fruits and vegetables at the grocery store
During meal preparation…
Get your child to help in the kitchen: rinse fruits and vegetables, stir pancake batter
Use cookies cutter to make foods look irresistible with fun and colorful shapes
Make a simple meal together: smoothies, sandwich, burrito, onigiri
During meals…
Avoid distraction from toys, smartphone, and TV
Eat the kind of food which you want your child to eat
Talk about color, shape, taste, and texture on the plate
Relate food with your child’s favorite cartoon heroes: Popeye, Bugs Bunny, etc
Offer new food for several times until your child becomes familiar and willing to take it
After meals…
Provide a food chart checklist for your child to color the requirement he/she has achieved
Be patient. Child eating habits won’t change overnight. It is a gradual process
A.B. Junior Traffic Light Smoothie
Here, we provide you a simple, fun and healthy recipe which you can try with your little picky eaters.

- 2 frozen kiwis
- 8 cm chunk cucumber
- 1 sachet BiO-LiFE A.B. Junior Pre & Pro
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 frozen mango
- ¼ cup milk or plain water
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- ¼ cup milk or plain water
- Peel the banana, mango, and kiwi.
- Cut all fruits and cucumber into chunks and freeze them for a few hours in 3 separate bowls.
- Once frozen, blend the GREEN LAYER ingredients and pour into a glass to form the bottom layer.
- Next, blend the YELLOW LAYER ingredients and pour into the same glass to form the middle layer.
- Finally, blend the RED LAYER ingredients and pour into the same glass to form the upper layer.
- Now, your A.B. Junior Pre & Pro Traffic Light Smoothie is ready to be served!
Good luck!
BiO-LiFE A.B. Junior Pre & Pro is a synbiotic formulation of prebiotic & probiotic for children. It contains three clinically studied ingredients; Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 (probiotic), Bifidobacterium lactis BB12 (probiotic) and chicory inulin (prebiotic) which help to improve gut health1, restore the balance of gut microflora2, and enhance nutrients absorption3 respectively. |
Find out more about A.B. Junior Pre & Pro.
- Nova, E., Viadel, B., Wärnberg, J., Carreres, J. E., & Marcos, A. (2011). Beneficial effects of a synbiotic supplement on self-perceived gastrointestinal well-being and immunoinflammatory status of healthy adults. Journal of Medicinal Food, 14(1-2), 79-85.
- Savard, P., Lamarche, B., Paradis, M. E., Thiboutot, H., Laurin, É., & Roy, D. (2011). Impact of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5-containing yogurt, on fecal bacterial counts of healthy adults. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 149(1), 50-57.
- Coudray, C., Bellanger, J., Castiglia-Delavaud, C., Remesy, C., Vermorel, M., & Rayssignuier, Y. (1997). Effect of soluble or partly soluble dietary fibers supplementation on absorption and balance of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc in healthy young men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51(6), 375-380.