Feast Healthier with BiO-LiFE Livasil and Advanced Multiblend Probiotix
Jan 2, 2020
Feast Healthier with BiO-LiFE Livasil and Advanced Multiblend Probiotix
Jan 2, 2020
Chinese New Year has a lot of temptations, but don’t let this be the green light to overindulge! Feast and enjoy a worry-free Chinese New Year with the help of BiO-LiFE Livasil and BiO-LiFE Advanced Multiblend PROBIOtix
Don’t want to be bothered by improper digestion or even worse, liver issues?
We’re all no strangers to binging blindly during the festive season especially in the company of our loved ones and having not a thing to worry about. Sometimes we just need to live & let go, right?
But lately Malaysia has been reporting an alarming increase of health complications stemming from poor eating habits such as the likes of binge eating, consuming oily and fatty foods, eating late at night which has become a great cause for concern that can contribute to poor liver conditions and impact on the digestive health.
This Chinese New Year, leave your health worries out the door by protecting your precious health today by saying Hello! to BiO-LiFE Livasil & BiO-LiFE Advanced Multiblend Probiotix. BiO-LiFE Livasil is traditionally proven as a liver tonic. It contains high strength milk thistle which is formulated to nourish, protect and improve liver function, especially if you’re exposed to unhealthy lifestyles stemming from staying up late, or binge drinking.
While BiO-LiFE Advanced Multiblend PROBIOtix boasts 7 strains of probiotics that have been clinically studied and tested to bring about healthy digestion to us. Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® is a well-studied probiotic strain with great supporting clinical studies. It helps boost gut beneficial, maintaining gut health and facilitate nutrient absorption.
*This does not mean that you shouldn’t consume everything in moderation and maintain a healthy fitness routine too.
*This product is not substitute for the avoidance of the noxious agent causing liver damage (e.g. alcohol).
Know more about BiO-LiFE products:
Advanced Multiblend PROBIOtix (Probiotics for Gut Health)
Livasil (liver tonic)